June 11, 2020

Classy Effortless Designs That Will Never Go Out Of Style

Home decor trends will always come and go, with passing fads and stylish looks that only last for a short period before the next fad steals the spotlight. However, in a world of transient trends, there are a few constants and classic decor principles and designs that will never go out of style.

Here are seven principles you can take note of to enhance the overall appeal and appearance of your home decor to a timeless value.

1. Layered, functional and stylish lighting

Laminates Featured: PJ2308SR, PQ8386SY

Lighting has always been one of the most important elements of design. Stylish lighting can help create the perfect atmosphere in your room. By combing functionality with aesthetic appeal, you can transform your space into somewhere beautiful and equally beneficial in improving the productivity of the space.

2. A neutral colour palette

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Neutral shades are a timeless backdrop design which complements different types of furniture and styles. The simplicity of the design also exudes an air of sophistication and confidence which lasts through the years no matter what the latest trends or fads are.

3. Vintage area rugs

Vintage rugs are a popular way to include intricate and more elaborate designs and patterns into your home. There is a unique appeal to such rugs as they are usually found in varying colours and interesting designs. Vintage area rugs are a fantastic addition that can fit into both modern or traditional homes. You can also consider using rugs to add an element of your personality in decorating your home as well.

4. Quality materials and furniture

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Wood and marble are classic choices for sturdy and gorgeous interior pieces. They are also some of the easiest to match with any style you will like to go for. The marble design has always been a popular choice for kitchen counter tops or any elegant surfaces. While it can be expensive to furnish and maintain over a long period, marble laminates offer a good alternative to achieving the same look and vibe while also being a wallet-friendly option.

5. Artwork pieces

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Hang your favourite artwork pieces from your favourite artists to decorate the empty walls in your home. These pieces can add a pop of colour or visual interest in your rooms with a certain story to tell to your visitors when they come visit. It is also a good way to add a personal touch and uniqueness to your home.

6. Classic all-white kitchen

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A white kitchen appears clean and shiny and exudes an effortless beauty that lasts through the ages of time. Paired with different materials and textures such as marble and hardwood flooring, gives the white kitchen more dimension and depth which makes it more interesting and pleasing to the eyes. You can also play around with the different shades of white to create shadows and contrast to enhance the overall design of the space.

Use laminates to achieve a classy and effortless design

Laminates offer outstanding quality, and a large array of options at an affordable price. As everyone has different design preferences, laminates give you an endless possibility of pairings from colour to textures, and offer the best long-term value proposition.

On top of that, laminates combines style and functionality. You can make use of contemporary laminate design trends to mix and match colours and designs that will stay stylish for a long time.

Jennings Laminates offers a wide range of designs, colours and even textures for you to choose from. It is an affordable way to change up the look and feel of your home while also maximising the utility of your furniture by having a very easy to clean surface.

Check out our website for the full range of designs!