Latest News
June 17, 2024

5 Jaw-Dropping Japandi-Style Kitchen Designs You’ll Want to Copy

Japandi style has taken the interior design world in Singapore by storm, blending the best of Japanese and Scandinavian aesthetics. This harmonious fusion creates a serene and functional space that exudes simplicity, natural elements, and minimalism. For those looking to renovate their kitchens, Japandi style offers a unique blend of […]

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June 10, 2024

Compact Laminate vs Quartz: Which Kitchen Countertop is the Best?

Renovating your kitchen or planning to update your countertop? The choice of materials can significantly impact the functionality and aesthetics of your kitchen. Two popular options are Compact laminate and quartz. Both have their unique advantages and drawbacks. In this article, we’ll dive into a detailed comparison to help you […]

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May 31, 2024

8 Limewash Laminate Interior Design Photos That Wow

As more homeowners embrace the charm of textured interiors, limewash laminate is stepping into the spotlight, offering the rustic allure of traditional limewash with the durability and versatility of laminate. Perfect for those renovating or refreshing their spaces, limewash laminate can transform walls, feature areas, and furniture into eye-catching elements […]

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May 20, 2024

Colors That Go Well With Olive Green Laminates

Olive green laminates are making a significant mark in the realm of interior design, particularly for those looking to introduce a touch of nature and tranquility into their homes. Whether you’re renovating a kitchen, updating a living space, or adding a unique touch to your bedroom, the versatile olive green […]

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May 13, 2024

How to Mix Wood Laminate Textures in Your Home Like a Designer

Renovating your home can feel like navigating through a labyrinth of design choices. Among the myriad decisions to make, selecting and mixing wood laminate textures stands out as a creative challenge that can dramatically influence the ambiance of your space. Whether it’s a cozy cottage vibe or a sleek, modern […]

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April 29, 2024

Japandi Interior Design Style: 7 Ideas for Your Home

Japandi interior design style is celebrated for its unique fusion of Japanese and Scandinavian design philosophies, emphasizing simplicity, functionality, sustainability, and a tranquil ambiance. This elegant blend harmoniously marries the Scandinavian “hygge” – a concept encapsulating coziness and comfort – with the Japanese “wabi-sabi,” an appreciation for the beauty in […]

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Recent Posts
December 28, 2023


Do note that no two sheets of marble laminates are identical. They may be the same color or have similar veins but the placement is different hence it gives a more natural look.


Disclaimer: Actual product colors may vary due to the fact that every computer monitor has a different capability to display colors and that everyone sees these colors differently. Colors can be verified by requesting a sample from us.



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December 28, 2023


Do note that no two sheets of marble laminates are identical. They may be the same color or have similar veins but the placement is different hence it gives a more natural look.


Disclaimer: Actual product colors may vary due to the fact that every computer monitor has a different capability to display colors and that everyone sees these colors differently. Colors can be verified by requesting a sample from us.



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December 28, 2023

Green Jade

Disclaimer: Actual product colors may vary due to the fact that every computer monitor has a different capability to display colors and that everyone sees these colors differently. Colors can be verified by requesting a sample from us. […]

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December 6, 2023

Green Jade

Disclaimer: Actual product colors may vary due to the fact that every computer monitor has a different capability to display colors and that everyone sees these colors differently. Colors can be verified by requesting a sample from us. […]

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September 6, 2023

Volakas Marble

Do note that no two sheets of marble laminates are identical. They may be the same color or have similar veins but the placement is different hence it gives a more natural look.


Disclaimer: Actual product colors may vary due to the fact that every computer monitor has a different capability to display colors and that everyone sees these colors differently. Colors can be verified by requesting a sample from us. […]

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September 6, 2023

Bianco Aurora

Do note that no two sheets of marble laminates are identical. They may be the same color or have similar veins but the placement is different hence it gives a more natural look.


Disclaimer: Actual product colors may vary due to the fact that every computer monitor has a different capability to display colors and that everyone sees these colors differently. Colors can be verified by requesting a sample from us. […]

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September 6, 2023

Rainforest Gold

Do note that no two sheets of marble laminates are identical. They may be the same color or have similar veins but the placement is different hence it gives a more natural look.


Disclaimer: Actual product colors may vary due to the fact that every computer monitor has a different capability to display colors and that everyone sees these colors differently. Colors can be verified by requesting a sample from us. […]

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September 6, 2023

Bianca Ruggine

Do note that no two sheets of marble laminates are identical. They may be the same color or have similar veins but the placement is different hence it gives a more natural look.


Disclaimer: Actual product colors may vary due to the fact that every computer monitor has a different capability to display colors and that everyone sees these colors differently. Colors can be verified by requesting a sample from us. […]

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November 11, 2022

Blanco Argos

Do note that no two sheets of marble laminates are identical. They may be the same color or have similar veins but the placement is different hence it gives a more natural look.


Disclaimer: Actual product colors may vary due to the fact that every computer monitor has a different capability to display colors and that everyone sees these colors differently. Colors can be verified by requesting a sample from us. […]

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