June 25, 2020

5 Tips to Create an Illusion of a Bigger Space

Staying home for an excessively long period can end up distorting the impression you have of your space.

In a small space, it is even more important to make every space count. Small rooms can feel confining but certain design concepts fool the eye and can make interiors appear much more spacious than they are.

As we look forward to days where we can leave our houses more freely again, here are some tips to help rearrange your furniture or layout to make a room appear bigger than it really is:

Use light colours and create contrasts 

Lighter colours can make your room look bigger and brighter as lighter surfaces are more reflective and create an illusion of an open and airy environment. This effect is further amplified in the presence of bright natural light. On the other hand, darker colours absorb light and make a room look smaller.

To create this effect, one should choose soft tones of off-white, blue and green. You should opt for lighter coloured furniture or try painting your wall trims in a lighter colour than your walls. This will make the walls appear further back and expand the area of your room.


Make use of bright lighting 

Having large windows to allow the natural light to filter in, helps to open up the interior and make it look larger. If you do not have natural light, invest in some lighting fixtures to create artificial sources of light. You can also use sheer window curtains to allow more light in while still protecting some of your privacy. If the view is bad, you can place plants or flowers near the windows to brighten up the space.


Keep your room neat and organised 

By organising your things and keeping the clutter out of sight, you can open up the space and let it appear more orderly and less cramped. If you find your walls too bare, one helpful tip is to choose only one large painting instead of multiple small pictures or paintings in a room. Multiple small pictures can appear like they are clamouring for attention and make the room feel crowded.

Create a focal point in smaller rooms so that area or feature will draw in the eye. For example, the bed is the focal point in a bedroom and the dining table is the main point of attention in a dining room. You should keep the rest of the decor to a minimum and arrange the furniture so that the focus is drawn to that particular object or area.

Clearing unnecessary things off the floor also helps to maintain a sense of spaciousness and an illusion of additional floor space.


Place mirrors in strategic locations 

Similar to the tip above, by creating a focal point, you can emphasise the effect by pointing your mirrors towards it to give the illusion of depth. Mirrors can help reflect both natural and artificial light to make a room appear brighter during the day and night.

That is why placing a mirror near a window to reflect the outdoor light is especially effective. More locations you can consider placing your mirrors are on walls or glass tables to open up your room. Other than using an actual mirror, you can also consider getting mirrored cabinet doors to make spaces feel larger.


Rearrange your furniture  

Maximise your furniture arrangement by investing in multi-functional furniture such as a sofa bed or bed with storage underneath. If there is a need for more tables, you can also get ones that are foldable, to store away when you do not need them.

Place larger pieces of furniture against the walls to create more floor space and not block pathways. By clearing the pathways or walkways, you will open up the space and make it feel larger. You can also match the colours of your furniture with your walls for them to seamlessly blend into the background and expand the room.

Tall furniture also makes the ceiling appear lower than it actually is, you should choose sofa or chairs with open arms and exposed legs. Glass tables also allow more light to filter under the furniture to make the room appear airier and open.

Jennings Laminates offers a large variety of colour options and textures to revamp your spaces at an affordable cost. If it seems like a waste to throw out furniture that are still in good condition, consider adding a fresh coat of laminate on the surface to create a stylish and brand-new finish! Furthermore, it is highly functional and easy to clean off any light stains or accidental spills.


View our full catalogue for more options and inspirations for your new room!