August 17, 2017

3 Inspiring ways to transform your corporate office with laminates

You probably spend most of your day away from home, working hard at your office desk while hosting and holding meetings with your clients in the corporate office. So why not turn it into a professional yet comfortable abode for your employees!

The style and direction of your office not only sets the tone for your employees but also is a showcase to your clients about the creativity and professionalism of your business as well!

A well decorated office impresses visitors & inspires trust in your clients

Whether your business is a law firm in the central business district or a creative agency housing designers and creatives, paying attention to the decor helps reflects the right values you want to portray to your clients.

While there is a multitude of ways to transform your corporate offices from the furniture selection to the carpeting, utilising laminates is a sure-fire approach to a holistic transformation from bland to swank.

A common question we hear from our clients is ‘how do we start using laminates to begin our corporate office transformation?’. Have no worries! Here are 3 ways to help you select the perfect laminates for your office.

1. Use laminates at the front desk for an instant image boost

Featuring PG2610ST (Marble), PG1839DL (Wood)

Your front desk is the first thing a client will see when he steps into your office and it doesn’t hurt to create a lasting impression of class!

Selecting the right laminate for your front desk can start from the general color of the space. Most corporate offices use white as the major color theme to base their furniture and decoration selection. We can use this to great advantage by selecting darker, earthier wooden laminate tones to standout and draw our visitor’s attention.

While there are might be many colors and tones suitable to match your color theme, a key aspect to remember is to select a high quality laminate.

As covered in our previous article, ‘Discover Dramatic Realism With Synchronised Laminates’ , the kind of laminates you want to focus on are premium synchronised laminates whose key feature is their texture and grains match the grooves and wood pattern allowing for a treat for both the eyes and fingertips.

2. Transform your gathering space to a collaborative hub with the right tone

Featuring PJ2308SR (Platform stairs), PQ8386SY (Ceiling)

When it comes to having a casual meeting with your staff or clients, nothing is better than providing a friendly environment where ideas can move freely and intermingle with each other.

Using lighter-toned laminates with uniform patterns on the tables and walls can add a sense of structure without unnecessary distractions while bringing forth a conducive environment for the sharing of idea and concepts.

Best of all, the space can double up as an office party area for birthday gatherings and informal celebrations!

3. Turn your waiting area to a visual spectacle

Featuring PJ2249WY (Dark Wood)

One common aspect of all offices is the need for a client waiting area. This is a place where your visitors not just wait, but also naturally soak up your office ambience and culture.

An ingenious way to incorporate laminates into your ambience, is to create a big contrast between the wall and the general color theme of your waiting area. Breaking the color scheme is an effective way to create unique visual character.

An all white surroundings? Use darker-toned laminates to stand out. Have a darker themed for your office? Complementing it with darker toned laminates is just as effective and visually consistent.

If your office is along the minimalistic lines, the right type of laminates will also provide the perfect backdrop that gives you an opportunity to balance any harsh industrial elements. Depending on the type of office you have, there are various options to suit the style you desire.

Wait no more!

Come down to our gallery where our consultants can take you through the best laminates to customise your corporate office and give it an incredible transformation it deserves!

 Ready to get started?

Don’t forget to first visit our blog for more nifty tips and get the latest updates on our Facebook page today!

Need more information? Drop us an online enquiry and we’ll be happy to help!


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